Bulk Bag Strength- 1 гогцоо FIBC задгай уут


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Bulk bag strength

The strength of a bulk bag is a critical factor in its performance and safety. A bag that is too weak may rupture during filling, handling, or transportation, causing product loss and potential safety hazards. Conversely, a bag that is too strong may be unnecessarily expensive and may not be able to flex and conform to the shape of the product, leading to uneven filling and discharge.

The strength of a bulk bag depends on several factors, including the material, construction, and dimensions of the bag. The most common material used for bulk bags is polypropylene, a lightweight and durable plastic. The construction of the bag typically includes multiple layers of fabric, with or without coatings, to provide strength and protection against moisture and UV radiation. The dimensions of the bag, including its height, width, and depth, also affect its strength, with taller and narrower bags being more prone to bulging and instability.

Bulk bags are typically tested for their strength using industry-standard methods such as the drop test and the tensile test. The drop test involves dropping a filled bag from a specified height onto a hard surface to simulate the impact of a fall during handling or transportation. The tensile test involves pulling the bag in different directions to measure its resistance to tearing and elongation. These tests are used to determine the bag's breaking strength and its resistance to puncture, tearing, and abrasion.

Bulk Bag Strength

1 гогцоо FIBC задгай уут

1 гогцоо FIBC задгай уут

Нэг гогцоотой FIBC уут нь 500 кг-аас 1500 кг хүртэлх SWL багтаамжтай, 100% Virgin Polypropylene (PP) -ээр хийгдсэн. Эдгээр задгай уутыг хэрэглэгчийн хүсэлтээр бүрсэн болон бүрээгүй даавуугаар хийх боломжтой бөгөөд 4 өнгөөр хэвлэх боломжтой.

C төрлийн дамжуулагч задгай уут

C төрлийн дамжуулагч задгай уут

Дамжуулагч FIBC задгай уут нь дамжуулагч бус полипропилен даавуугаар хийгдсэн байдаг. Тэсрэх аюултай орчинд аюулгүй ашиглах зориулалттай. Нарийн дамжуулагч утсаар хийгдсэн ба дамжуулагч тороор хангана.

D төрлийн анти статик задгай уут

D төрлийн анти статик задгай уут

D төрлийн задгай уутыг мөн анти статик бөөнөөр нь уут гэж нэрлэдэг. Өндөр шатамхай бүтээгдэхүүнтэй харьцахдаа аюулгүй байдал нь хамгийн чухал зүйл юм. Эндээс D төрлийн цүнх орж ирдэг.

FIBCS Бөөнөөр цүнх

FIBCS Бөөнөөр цүнх

Бөөнөөр хийсэн уутыг ихэвчлэн их хэмжээний материалтай цүнхийг хадгалах зай хязгаарлагдмал үед ашигладаг. Хаалттай уут нь булангаараа хаалттай бөгөөд материалаар дүүргэх үед куб хэлбэрээ хадгалдаг.

Агааржуулалттай задгай уут Агааржуулалттай FIBCs

Агааржуулалттай задгай уут Агааржуулалттай FIBCs

Төмс, сонгино, шош, үр тариа, самар эсвэл түүнтэй төстэй бүтээгдэхүүнийг савлах, тээвэрлэх, хадгалахад зориулж агааржуулалттай FIBC (агаарын судалтай том уут) өгдөг. Энэхүү цүнх нь хамгаалалтын, амьсгалах чадвартай, маш бат бөх юм.

Захиалгат шингэн задгай уут FIBC

Захиалгат шингэн задгай уут FIBC

Liquid big bag нь бүх төрлийн хоргүй шингэн, химийн бодисыг хадгалах, тээвэрлэхэд тохиромжтой бүтээгдэхүүн юм. Дотор ба завсрын давхарга нь нэгдүгээр зэрэглэлийн PE, гадна давхарга нь хүчтэй PP нэхмэл даавуу юм.

Бөөн уутны бетон угаах уут

Бөөн уутны бетон угаах уут

Бетон угаах задгай уут нь хүнд полипропилен даавуугаар хийгдсэн бөгөөд 2000 кг хүнд ачааг тэсвэрлэх чадвартай. Бетон угаасан уут нь угаасан хог хаягдлыг хурдан бөгөөд хялбараар шийдэж өгдөг бөгөөд энэ нь таны бетон угаасан бүх хог хаягдлыг газар дээр нь барьж авахад тохиромжтой бөгөөд хангалттай зай юм.

Бөөн уутанд зориулсан полиэтилен доторлогооны PE доторлогоо/Маягт Fit PE доторлогоо

Бөөн уутанд зориулсан полиэтилен доторлогооны PE доторлогоо/Маягт Fit PE доторлогоо

PE доторлогоо нь доторлогооны хамгаалалтын давхарга бөгөөд байгаль орчинд ээлтэй задгай сав баглаа боодол нь аюултай шингэн, нунтаг нунтаг зэрэг бүтээгдэхүүнийг хамгаалж, цэвэр, эрүүл ахуйн шаардлага хангасан, чийг, тоос, хөгц болон гоожихоос сэргийлнэ.

Bulk Bag Strength

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The Bulk Bag is an excellent option for businesses that need to transport or store materials in areas with high levels of humidity. The bags are water-resistant and can help to protect materials from moisture damage.

These bags are also an excellent option for businesses that need to transport materials in bulk. The bags can be filled to capacity, helping to reduce the number of trips required to transport materials.

These bags are also an excellent option for businesses that need to transport materials in bulk. The bags can be filled to capacity, helping to reduce the number of trips required to transport materials.

The Bulk Bag is a cost-effective option for businesses that need to transport materials. The bags are reusable and can be used multiple times, reducing the need for businesses to purchase new containers.

The Bulk Bag is a cost-effective option for businesses that need to transport materials. The bags are reusable and can be used multiple times, reducing the need for businesses to purchase new containers.

These bags are also an excellent option for businesses that need to store materials for long periods. The woven polypropylene material helps to protect materials from moisture, dust, and other contaminants, ensuring that they remain in excellent condition.

These bags are also an excellent option for businesses that need to store materials for long periods. The woven polypropylene material helps to protect materials from moisture, dust, and other contaminants, ensuring that they remain in excellent condition.

These bags are also an excellent option for businesses that need to transport or store materials in areas with high levels of dust or other contaminants. The woven polypropylene material helps to keep materials clean and free from contaminants.

These bags are also an excellent option for businesses that need to transport or store materials in areas with high levels of dust or other contaminants. The woven polypropylene material helps to keep materials clean and free from contaminants.

These bags are designed to be easily loaded and unloaded using forklifts, cranes, or other equipment, making them a popular choice for businesses in the construction, mining, and agricultural industries.

These bags are designed to be easily loaded and unloaded using forklifts, cranes, or other equipment, making them a popular choice for businesses in the construction, mining, and agricultural industries.

These bags are also an excellent option for businesses that need to store materials in bulk. The bags can be easily stacked, helping to save space and reduce storage costs.

These bags are also an excellent option for businesses that need to store materials in bulk. The bags can be easily stacked, helping to save space and reduce storage costs.

These bags are available in a variety of sizes and can hold anywhere from 500 to 5,000 pounds of material, depending on the size of the bag. This makes them ideal for transporting large quantities of goods such as grain, sand, or chemicals.

These bags are available in a variety of sizes and can hold anywhere from 500 to 5,000 pounds of material, depending on the size of the bag. This makes them ideal for transporting large quantities of goods such as grain, sand, or chemicals.

The Bulk Bag is an excellent option for businesses that need to transport materials long distances. The bags are designed to withstand the rigors of transportation and can be used for both domestic and international shipping.

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Bulk bags, also known as flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs), are large, durable bags used for the transport and storage of bulk materials such as grains, powders, and chemicals. They are typically made from woven polypropylene (PP) fabric, which is strong enough to hold up to 2,000 kilograms of material. The bags are designed to be lifted with specialized equipment such as forklifts or





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